Best Subliminal result | real result

Tracy Nguyen
2 min readMar 5, 2021



see result progress here:

Time: 1 month

subliminal green eyes :

2. light brown eyes

Time taken: 1 week

Listening time: unknown

Sub used: Kapelsu — Hazel Green Eyes

2. jawline

“so basically I’ve been using Subliminals for around a year now I think. Today I decided to look back on some of my previous pictures and compare. I’d post the full picture if I wasn’t afraid to show my face, but I was shocked at the difference in my jawline. I also think my lips look wider.

No, I haven’t lost a significant amount of weight, in fact I actually weigh more now. I’m not consistent with subliminals, so I can’t give you an exact one to listen to (otherwise I would).

I think these results are from all the angel skull subliminals I’ve listened to, and i think one of the reasons why the results are so good is because I wasn’t really concerned about my jawline when I listened to angel skull subliminals, so my consciousness couldn’t sabotage myself with obsession/negative thoughts.

I hope this gives you inspiration!! ❤️” ( source: reddit )

4. lip

time: 1 year

sub: akuo

thanks for reading !!!



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