Is Vaping Bad For Your Health

Tracy Nguyen
2 min readMar 11, 2021


There are several serious concerns about vaping:

  1. It will reduce or possibly even destroy cigarette sales in wealthy countries.
  2. It will massively harm federal tax revenues, as cigarette taxes will be destroyed, and it is difficult to tax an as-yet harmless substitute.
  3. It will destroy State and City tax revenues, as cigarette smoking prevalence falls through the floor. As more smokers switch to vaping, States will see revenues fall correspondingly.
  4. It will destroy the MSA funding for States. These funds pay for enormous salaries for Attorneys General, and State employee pensions currently, so you can see that some voices will be screaming in pain. This is what we call ‘the scream test’: if it hurts, they scream. And they sure are screaming :)
  5. It will destroy the pharmaceutical industry’s smoking disease gravy train: the enormous sums they earn from disease caused by smoking. One course of chemotherapy for cancer in the USA averages out at $27,000. Now multiply that by a million or two and you can see why they’re screaming. You can see why they are fighting desperately to protect smoking.
  6. It will destroy the pharma front groups and fake charities that depend on the cigarette sales gravy train. The CEOs of many of these fake charities earn $1 million a year plus. Look it up. By god they are screaming now.

7.It will raise costs for pensions, because smoking (they say) kills smokers an average of 10 years early; but vaping doesn’t kill anyone. Therefore ten years of pensions will have to be paid for the millions who won’t die early.

8.Vaping will destroy the smoking economy: the $1.5 trillion a year money machine all those listed above have their snouts in.

These are the most serious concerns with vaping. Health-wise, some people might get a serious cough for a couple of days, if they continue to use a refill that doesn’t suit them.

Drug abuse scares
Recently, drug abusers inhaling toxic cannabis oil products in their dab pens and bongs, in the USA, have been killing themselves. Two people making and selling toxic drug products have been arrested for murder.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with ecig vaping for the avoidance of smoking. A couple of ultra-corrupt federal agencies tried to hide this fact for as long as they possibly could, due to their principal agenda: protect the pharmaceutical industry by protecting cigarette sales from any threat.

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